Friday, October 26, 2012

let the awkward begin

Our first kiss went a little like this:
(yes, brought a little 3OH!3 into this blog. you're welcome).

It happened on a Friday; 4th date to be exact. Jared and I were scheduled to go to dinner and peddle boating (one of the many things on my bucket list). Before he came and picked me up, I was cutting my mom's hair, and throughout her haircut, had mentioned how I thought I was starting to like Jared and that maybe, just maybe, I was ready for him to kiss me. He hadn't even tried to make a move, so my knowledge of it actually happening was quite slim. Needless to say, she said "Well, just let it happen. If it does, it does. If not, he is just taking his time. I respect that." Little did she know i did too. 

Jared picked me up and we went to Z'tejas, a really yummy Mexican food restaurant.
don't worry, i ordered mac and cheese. but in my defense, it was wonderful. 

We ate and talked for about an hour, then headed to Tempe Town Lake. 
The entire time we peddle boated, i wasn't the slightest bit tired. I just talked and looked all around the lake, while Jared was getting a little out of breath. When i stopped talking to ask him why, he said, "Reagan, are you even peddling?" you can bet I said yes, although we all know that's not true. I thought I was. My legs were moving. But apparently that wasn't good enough. Apparently you need to add force into your legs while peddling. who know?!?!? :)

We lost track of time, and after being on the lake for 2 hours, realized we were clearly the only ones out there and it was pitch black. We were also half way across the lake, and if any of you know anything about peddle boats, they don't move fast. at all. even when BOTH people peddle. As we started heading back, a kind, sweet girl came out on a huge lake boat to save us. We boarded as she tied up our boat. Was it embarrassing? Slightly. I tried to make things not seem awkward, although i think i succeeded in making it worse. I tend to do that sometimes. 

After we got off the boat, Jared asked me if I wanted to walk around for a bit.
code for: "Let me hold your hand and kiss you!" 
but no. don't get that excited. we walked for an entire HOUR and did he hold my hand OR kiss me? no. and for all you ladies out there, i even had my hand available the entire time. you know what i mean. 

Needless to say, I was confused. Here is this boy. Cute and easy to be around. Totally flirting with me. And  into me as I was into him. Why the HECK wasn't he at least holding my hand? Was I not flipping/twirling my hair enough? Did i not tilt my head enough in admiration? Did he just stink at picking up hints? 

We left the lake, still not kissed and with an even more lonely hand, and headed back to my place for what i thought was going to be the end of our evening. I invited Jared inside to watch a movie with my brother and his friends. (at this point, i figured nothing would even happen, so why bother). As we walked inside, Jared found himself sitting on the love seat while I went to talk to my mom. 
Mom: "Hi Reagan. How was the lake?"
Me: "Actually, it was fun. I didn't peddle the entire time, so that was nice :) "
Mom: "Well, did he? Did he kiss you?"
Me: "NO. And I have just decided to be done with it. He isn't going to do it for a while, so why bother!"
Mom: "Okay, well have fun then!"

As i headed out to find Jared on the love seat, i plopped down next to him. Blanket and all. And to my surprise found his arm around me, other hand grabbing mine. 
Was I happy? of course. Did i love every minute? duh. 

After the movie (Nacho Libre), and the cuddle session ended, I walked Jared to his car to say goodnight.
At this point, I was freaking out. And what do I do when I start freaking out? I ramble. Constantly. 
He hugged me about 4 times, and apparently tried to kiss me each one of those times (so he says) but I wouldn't stop talking. I was nervous. I knew it was coming, but had so many thoughts running through my mind I couldn't even concentrate. Finally on the last hug (and after Jared thought to himself multiple times "just stop talking"), it happened. He pulled me in. And didn't let go. We missed. awkward. Then, we kissed. Short and simple. 

After that was over? The other times just got better and better. 
Just please don't ask us to kiss and walk? I really am bad at it and miss every time. Without fail.