Friday, July 13, 2012

tribute to beks

this is to beka, who currently lives in jerusalem <-- gee thanks beks. anyway, in our most recent email, after chatting about the latest and greatest and of course getting our fix of the gossip in each other's lives, i was reminded about how i don't blog. and slack off. so here's to you!

what's new?

coaching this year has been my favorite. these two boys make my day. every day. this is braden (the one in the mask) and seth. hilarious. adorable. and for sure will be heart breakers one day. and also meet my coaches. marissa, sarah, and valerie. (missin our good ol' anthony) so sad this week is our last week. here's to more 12 hour days and breakin records! go krawdads :)

date night to tempe marketplace.

my face, his body. not too scary
his face, my body. horrible.

walks on the beach in cali

need i say more?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out and for updating your blog :) . It is much appreciated!! You're looking hot! Also, for the record, I laughed for a solid 10 minutes about the switched faces picture... Hahahahaha.
