Thursday, May 10, 2012

awkward moments brought to you by jack in the box

alright blog readers. i have been having some weird things happen to me... dreams where i literally wake up and hope it's not real because if it was, it would be my most embarrassing moment (which i am currently still searching for!) but last night.... all awkward came out. here is the story! JBG= jack in the box guy!


JBG: "that will be $5.05" (dinner for pops and i)!
Me: "here ya go!"
JBG: "wow, you smell really good. can i ask what you are wearing?"
Me: "it's paris hilton. and thanks!"
JBG:" yeah, it's way better then smelling french fries. your man is good! is it the newer one or the older one?"
Me: (disturbed that this man knows the difference....) "i actually am not sure. it's in a pink and black bottle."
JBG: "oh, that's the newer one! yeah, your man is sure good!"
Me: "thanks!" (hoping that he will stop bringing up the fact that i don't have such man!)
JBG:" mind i ask... how long have you 2 been together?"
Me: (thinking i could easily pretend i had a boyfriend to end this convo) said, "oh actually i don't have one. and i bought this perfume myself!"
JBG: (looking extremely confused) "oh, well you should be my girlfriend. i would buy you all the perfume in the world!"
Me: (hanging my head in shame, one for being so red, two for being just awkward) said, "well thanks. i will let you know!"

then, i proceeded to drive off very fast. very fast.

apparently boyfriends are supposed to buy you perfume. definitely holding out for that one!

happy awkward thursday!!

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